Strategic Partnerships
ASBG is a business-to-business network with strong working links with regional African governments and all major trading partners. We strive to be the voice of businesses in southern Africa, participating in regional and national conversations about the economy and the way forward. We provide access to key stakeholders such as governments, think tanks, and persons of influence. Benefits of joining ASBG Our extensive network will help your company to: Explore the southern African market for the first time. Expand existing operations in the southern African region. Interface with key decision makers to address concerns or issues faced by your company. Network with other businesses in the region. Provide a platform to advocate for your interests. Provide insights not available to the public on current events and economic issues you face in the region. Endorsement for your company by a credible and recognized organization. Market entry introductions
Current Movements
During the ASBG inaugural year, the Zimbabwean Chapter is currently undertaking the following projects: Launch a membership drive to secure initial funding of US $5 million from domestic shareholders and subscribers. Initiate discussions with all potential participants in major regional road, rail and pipeline infrastructure, as well as spearheading regional plans to ensure adequate air transport, water and electrical energy for the future. Appoint a group CEO in Zimbabwe and establish a small office to manage the affairs of the local company and, initially, the group of regional chapters. Encourage all SADC member countries to establish similar structures to represent their private sectors. Organize a trade delegation to Zimbabwe for stakeholders, as well as a delegation to Washington, DC to meet with policy makes.